Tickets are live! Why grab yours now?
In addition to slightly lower prices for the early bird tickets, you get a different badge, and an extra T-shirt limited to early bird ticket holders. You also get other exclusive perks, to be revealed at a later date. For instance at EUE ReConnect 2024 the early bird ticket holders got extra bingo cards, doubling their chance to win some of the awesome prizes at the 2024 Bingo event.
Plus, you’ll get that warm, fuzzy feeling knowing you’re helping us out big time. Early bird sales help in covering the upfront costs that make this event possible, so we really appreciate your support!
One important thing to note: we’re capping attendance at 128 people this year — so it’s first come, first served.
Tickets are €279/289/299 (excl. VAT 21% and processing fees) per person, depending on when you buy. This includes drinks, lunches and dinners for both event days.
See full details below.
A gem!
SUPER Early Bird
€279 + tax & processing
All tickets include: T-shirt and surprise swag. Tea/Coffee and refreshments throughout the days. Lunch and dinner on both days.
SUPER Early Bird tickets come with an extra T-shirt with the Early Bird EUE design. Also comes with other exclusive perks.
Was available until end of year 2024.
Early Bird
€289 + tax & processing
All tickets include: T-shirt and surprise swag. Tea/Coffee and refreshments throughout the days. Lunch and dinner on both days.
Early Bird tickets come with an extra T-shirt with the Early Bird EUE design. Also comes with other perks.
Sales last till the end of February.
Regular Ticket
€299 + tax & processing
All tickets include: T-shirt and surprise swag. Tea/Coffee and refreshments throughout the days. Lunch and dinner on both days.
Sales open in March